Success stories

We have had many notable successes whilst working on behalf of the London Borough of Waltham Forest

Helping to build a strong economy, thriving town centres and providing a good quality of life for all residents

  • Supporting the council’s objectives to successfully deliver the first London Borough of Culture in 2019.
  • In April 2017, our Commercial Law team was shortlisted as a finalist in the legal services category at the Municipal Journal Awards for the Lea Bridge Station project.
  • We provide specialist legal advice on schemes which include the proposed development of the Mall Shopping Centre and the Town Hall campus which will contribute to the delivery of additional home within the Borough.
  • We will continue to play an innovative and enabling role working with members and officers alike to ensure that much needed homes, are delivered for the benefit of our residents.

Keeping vulnerable adults and children safe

  • Successfully working with the council's Children's Services to protect vulnerable children, including those at risk of forced marriage, sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation.
  • We have played a key role in supporting the council's Children's Services and partner agencies, such as the police, in tackling radicalisation. We have successfully taken action to protect vulnerable children from exposure to radicalisation including taking emergency protective measures.
  • Successfully safeguarding vulnerable adults who lack mental capacity from abuse and harm, through securing protective court orders in the Court of Protection.
  • Successfully working with the police to protect vulnerable children, including those at risk of forced marriage and sexual exploitation.
  • Providing training for 280 Metropolitan Police officers in safeguarding law, with positive feedback and a request for further input.

Keeping your neighbourhood clean and safe

  • Obtaining the first injunction for the council under Section 1 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and subsequently obtaining several further injunctions under the Act.
  • Successfully defending the first appeal against a Community Protection Notice issued under the same Act.
  • Securing the council's first successful prosecution of a 'shisha lounge' in breach of the Health Act 2006.
  • Successfully prosecuting fly-tipping offences, resulting in suspended sentences and forfeiture orders.
  • Successfully prosecuting Blue Badge violations, in line with council priorities.
  • Taking on 'dangerous dogs' cases more usually handled by the Crown Prosecution Service and securing successful prosecutions.
  • Obtaining a borough-wide traveller injunction under Section 222 Local Government Act 1972 and Section 187B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
  • Prosecuting 'rogue landlords' for planning and housing offences, culminating in a confiscation order for more than £200,000 with costs of £10,000 awarded to the council and fine of over £70,000.
  • Supporting the council's policy governing the procurement and allocation of temporary Part VII housing accommodation, helping to limit the number of challenges to decisions to place homelessness applicants outside the borough.
  • Successfully designing and implementing the borough-wide Selective Licensing Scheme, one of only a handful across the country.
  • Successfully defending employment tribunal claims on behalf of the council and schools, obtaining the highest single costs award ever made (£117,000) against an individual in a reported employment case.

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